App Development
世界的にウェブアクセシビリティをすべてのサイトに導入する流れがきている中、コストが高い 、料金が不明瞭 、導入が難しいという声を聞き、もっと手軽に誰もが簡単に低コストで使えるウェブアクセシビリティサービスを提供したいという想いからUUUは生まれました。
I was involved in the development of "UUU", a service that supports web accessibility.
In a time when there is a global trend towards implementing web accessibility on all websites, we main challenge about high costs, unclear pricing, and difficulty of implementation.
UUU was born out of a desire to provide a web accessibility service that is easy to use, low-cost, and accessible to everyone.